Images and text for 29 species found in nimba county, liberia. Undoubtedly, an accurate knowledge of the mechanical. This page was last edited on 21 february 2018, at 08. Cameroon is developing the systems needed to control, verify and license legal timber, called the. Def a tropical african timber tree lophira alata or l. Phyllanthaceae bridelia micrantha phyllanthaceae bridellia sp. Bongossi, bakundu cameroon, kaku ghana, esore ivory coast, aba nigeria, endwi sierra leone. Why not email or phone it costs nothing to get a quote. Lophira alata and iroko milicia excelsa minef 1999. The plant list includes a further 1 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus lophira. Lophira alata banks source lat lophira alata source lat lophira procera source lat ekki source correct lophira alata source lat lophira procera source lat cont azobe. Terminalia ivorensis idigbo, terminalia superba afara and lophira alata ekki.
Lanceolin c, a new nitrile glycoside from lophira alata. We realise that timber investment is no light choice and it is our commitment to outline something fit for purpose for every project you are involved in. Descriptions and articles about the azobe, scientifically known as lophira alata in the encyclopedia of life. Ochnaceae lophira alata banks vu a1c ochnaceae rhabdophyllum sp ocktonemataceae okoubaka aubrivillia olacaceae stromboscia grandifolia hook. Pdf isolation of nuclear microsatellites in the african. Ashwells timber, brentwood road bulphan, upminster essex rm14 3tl. Review of non timber forest products ntfps in central africa. The oil and other products of the tree are traded on a local scale 299. Fire growth fire initiation and growth include ignition, the spread of flames, and fire growth to flashover conditions. Geology and soils th e major part of the landscape rests on. Lophira alata azobe 95 565 m3 85 659 m3 16 583 m3 50 693 m3 nauclea diderrichii bilinga 855 m3 20 033 m3 1 277 m3 5 625 m3 guibourtia demeusii bubinga 12 m3 20 m3 0m3 0m3 diospyros crassiflora ebene noir 2 112 m3 3 960 m3 4 m3 348 m3 albizia. Licences and sales of standing volume were the main permits issued before the 1994 forestry reforms in cameroon.
We have an exciting selection of premium timber species, and look forward to discussing the options with you. Ekki is native to tropical west africa with large quantities being. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. With the help of over 7,000 of the worlds best wildlife filmmakers and photographers, conservationists and scientists, featured multimedia fact files for more than 16,000 endangered species. Isolation of nuclear microsatellites in the african timber tree lophira alata ochnaceae and crossamplification in l. Ekki lophira alata also known as azobe, bongossi and red. It is important to remark that some principal wood species with a. Lophira alata eindhoven university of technology research portal. Department of agriculture agricultural research service.
The heartwood is dark red, chocolate brown, or purple brown with conspicuous white deposits in the vessels. Impact of the establishment of a treatment unit of natural rubber hevea brasiliensis on the flora of attingue, in the south of cote divoire kouassi kouadio henri unit of formation and research ufr, in agroforestry of jean lorougnon guede university, cote divoire kouassi roland herve. The leaves of the cameroonian medicinal plant lophira alata afforded two new biflavonoids. Lophira alata, iroko milicia excelsa, doussie afzelia bipindensis and ilomba are common timber species l important ntfps are rattan, bush mango, njansang, and eru socioeconomic environment l administered within fako division l estimated population of 20,000 inhabitants fluctuates over the year due to seasonality of economic activities l. National plant germplasm system covid19 update, march 23, 2020. Lophira lanceolata in the germplasm resources information network grin, u. The plant list includes 10 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus lophira. Under the new forestry policy, which attempts to encourage the sustainable management of the forests, a. Behaviour of azobe lophira alata hardwood in compression perpendicular to grain. Pdf probabilistic evaluation of eurocode 5 fire design. Ekki lophira alata also known as azobe, bongossi and red ironwood. Pandaceae panda oleosa pierre passifloraceae barteria fistulosa mast. This page was last edited on 27 february 2020, at 14.
We can supply ekki in any size direct from the factory in holland at the keenest prices. Before requesting germplasm, scientists should consider their capacity to receive it. Public private partnerships in the forestry sector in cameroon. The oil and other products of the tree are traded on. Antitubercular evaluation of root extract and isolated phytochemicals.
Request pdf neurobehavioural evaluation of lophira alata ochnaceae stem bark extract in mice stem bark and leaves of lophira alata family. The 3 major zones were used as basis for the selection of sample plots. Electronic plant information centre of royal botanic gardens, kew. Traditional uses of the forest essentially maintain this protective function, by permitting long fallow periods and. Levasflor african hardwoods levasflor is a swedish owned. Neither of these were subject to a previously agreed management plan. Mansfelds world databas of agricultural and horticultural crops.
Azobe lophira alata were also among the most demanded with. Lophira lanceolata is a multipurpose tree, valued especially for its oil, timber and many medicinal applications. With a forest concession of 46 000 hectares 114 000 acres of miombo woodlands and 180 employees, we are the only fsc certified company in the mozambican natural timber industry that holds a certificate in forest management. Constituents of lophira alata leaves request pdf researchgate. Recovery of conservation values in central african rain forest after logging and shifting cultivation. Tih and others published constituents of lophira alata leaves find, read and cite all the research you need on. Wildscreens arkive project was launched in 2003 and grew to become the worlds biggest encyclopaedia of life on earth. Pdf download all download jpeg 2000 download text azobe, bongossi, ekki. Forest restoration for resilience green climate fund. The nepcon risk assessment has shown risks throughout the timber supply chain in cameroon. Lophira alata pdf this species has been listed as vulnerable in the iucn red list because of the large scale destruction of wet evergreen forest throughout its range. Probabilistic evaluation of eurocode 5 fire design criteria of a timber portal frame. Pdf a growth model for azobe, lophira alata, in gabon.
This verification statement is prepared solely for the benefit of the organization listed above and. We do not intend the plant list to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. Minor biflavonoids from lophira alata leaves journal of natural. Public private partnerships in the forestry sector in. Tectona grandis, gmelina arborea and eucalyptus camaldulensis are plantation forests. Review of ntfps, cameroon, june 2010 iii a monitoring network on both a national and regional level for bushmeat, the central african bushmeat monitoring system syvbac has been in development since 2008 by a group of stakeholders in the bushmeat and wildlife sector and provides an excellent existing framework for animal ntfp based. Lophira alata, commonly known as azobe, ekki or the red ironwood tree, is a species of plant in. Karri eucalyptus diversicilar 32 mm 695 hpma 1977 jarrah eucalyptus marginata 516 hpma 1977 maple acer sp. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Vegetation characteristics and distribution of 25 3 25 m plots by land use and age classes. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of. Properties of 10 ghanaian high density lesserused species part 1 j. Data collection the 5,888 hectare forest reserve was divided into three major zones.
Usda, ars, germplasm resources information network. Cameroon is not dependent on imported wood due to the importance on the forestry sector and the production industry. Antitubercular evaluation of root extract and isolated. Neurobehavioural evaluation of lophira alata ochnaceae stem. University of groningen recovery of conservation values in. Testing company 1983 greenheart chlorocardium rodiei 54, 694 unknown. Azobe, lophira alata, is a major timber species in central africa classified as vulnerable into the iucn red list. Frequency of occurrence of species, number of species per hectare and basal area b. Jul 06, 2019 the life is short and you cant spend hours to find and download pdf files. Two broad areas of fire safety engineering of materials are 1 fire initiation and growth, and 2 fire containment. Impact of farming activities on vegetation 3 the three zones. Lophira alata azobe and tetraberlinea bifoliata ekop. The hydromorphic formations were made up of marshy forests and. Escambia, gadsden, leon, levy, charlotte, lee, and dade wunderlin et al.
Leo goudzwaard taxonomy author, year banks, synonym lophira lanceolata tiegh. Lophira alata, commonly known as azobe, ekki or the red ironwood tree, is a species of plant in the family ochnaceae. It is found in cameroon, the republic of the congo, the democratic republic of the congo, ivory coast, equatorial guinea, gabon, ghana, liberia, nigeria, sierra leone, sudan, and uganda. In order to investigate the extent of plant diversity within the forest reserve, diversity indices were calculated for each zone using the inverse of simpsons 1949. Check other web resources for lophira alata banks ex c.
Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license. Files available from the acs website may be downloaded for personal use only. Azobe lophira alata mechanical properties quantity value unit youngs modulus 22000 28500 mpa tensile strength 120 217 mpa compressive strength 88 mpa bending strength 180 316 mpa physical properties quantity value unit thermal conductivity 0. This article incorporates text from the arkive factfile lophira alata under the creative. This species is widely used not only in the netherlands, but also in belgium, the uk, and germany. In florida, herbarium records now reported for naturalized populations in 7 counties.
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